Leadership and Management


Level 3

Team Leader


This apprenticeship programme has been designed for individuals in a first-line management role. Closing the skills gap of this vital management tier is the key to building a high- performance organisation and represents an important investment in developing tomorrow’s senior leaders.

Role Profile

A team leader/supervisor is a first-line management role with operational/project responsibilities or responsibility for managing a team to deliver clearly defined outcomes. Providing direction, instruction and guidance to ensure the achievement of set goals, specific responsibilities may vary, but the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to undertake this role are universal, regardless of the size of the organisation team leaders operate within, or whether they work in the private or public sector.


  • No previous experience required.
  • Learners should be comfortable using a computer to gather workplace evidence.

End Point Assessment 

It is essential to gain the minimum marks in both assessment modes. Successful apprentices will gain a pass or distinction

     Competency Based Interview: Presentation with questions
     Professional Discussion: Underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
Duration: 12 months practical learning period
Level: 3
Government Capping Band: £5K
Level 5

Operations Manager


This apprenticeship programme has been designed for individuals who are responsible for managing teams and projects in line with a private, public or voluntary organisation’s operational or departmental strategy. Roles may include Operations Manager, Regional Manager, Divisional Manager, Department Manager and specialist managers.

Role Profile

An operations/departmental manager is someone who manages teams and/or projects, and achieves operational or departmental goals and objectives, as part of the delivery of the organisation's strategy. Key responsibilities may include creating and delivering operational plans, managing projects, leading and managing teams, managing change, financial and resource management, talent management, coaching and mentoring.


  • No previous experience required.
  • Learners should be comfortable using a computer to gather workplace evidence.

End Point Assessment 

It is essential to gain the minimum marks in both assessment modes. Successful apprentices will gain a pass, merit or distinction. 

     Written Project with Report: Presentation with questions and answers
     Professional Discussion: Underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
Duration: 18 months practical learning period
Level: 5
Government Capping Band: £9K